Sunday, September 14, 2008

so i guess this actually gets read....

I recently met someone who told me they actually read my blog before coming to country and it was helpful so now I feel obligated to keep updating it.

Well things are good. Very good. My sitemate, Laura, and I have been having a lot of fun lately. It is currently the second week of Ramadan. I fasted for two days with water and then got bored so on Wednesday Laura came over for lunch and we made a very nice veggie curry with moraccan couscous and then had a nice glass of sherry afterwords that I had bought in the Madrid DutyFree on my way back from a lovely 4 week vacation to the UK with my family.

The vacation was just what I needed. Relaxing, with my wonderful family and good friends, cold (wearing jeans and longsleeves was so nice), good food (berry season!), siteseeing, and not being the center of attention when I walk down the street. I'm glad I didn't go back to the US for vacation. I think I would have been bored and at the same time not want to come back. My family would have all been working as would my friends. The UK was a better choice because it was really expensive and I wasn't prepared to be in that weather for an extended period of time. Plus my family was on holiday too. But living out of a suitcase is fine for a bit but then you just want to be in your own bed.

My first few days back were mainly spent hanging out in kaolack waiting for the rain to stop so I could go back to Sokone. I ended up only getting 5 hours there before heading back up to Dakar to get a proposal written for the Fruit Dryers for Ndef Leng. That was a lot of fun because there were a lot of other volunteers there for various conferences and meetings. Everything getting squeezed in before Ramadan starts.

Well thats all I have time for today. Oh yesterday was my one year anniversary in country!


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